Soldiers in battle who may have been hit have to look for the bullet wound. You would think they could feel it, but somehow they can't -- at least not at first.
The bailout is like that. We are supposed to be severely wounded but so far we don't feel anything. It was rejected in Congress and the sky has not fallen. The market has fallen, but the sky, no. Maybe America and its economy can live without this immense looting.
The politics of it mystifies me. More Democrats supported the bailout than Republicans. Since the general impression is that it is a giant handover of government/taxpayer money to the business class and investors, most of whom are Republicans, this doesn't make sense. I have the sense that there is something fundamental going on here that I am missing. The Democrats appear to be trying to give a large amount of money to Republicans and the Republicans appear to be refusing it. The behavior of both parties is inexplicable.
The analogy would be trying to understand the Civil Rights Act of 1968 without knowing that there had been segregation. Without context it would be meaningless. I think there is some context here that I am not getting.
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