Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Francine Hardaway and the Queen of Spain

have been mocking Hillary Clinton in Francine's blog for not really being a woman. That is pretty funny considering the parallel knock on Obama, that he's not really Black. He is the descendant not of slaves but of a rich Kenyan foreign exchange student. His stepfather was a wealthy Muslim Indonesian businessman. How he must have suffered from the indignities of racism growing up recognized as the Best and Brightest and Richest, first in Indonesia, then in a wealthy Chicago suburb. The wrenching sorrow of it all! And we all know how badly successful young graduates of Harvard Law are treated. The indignities of being elected to the Illinois state legislature, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate have surely given him a deep empathy for the poor and downtrodden of the earth. (It's a Black Thing -- you wouldn't understand.)

When Hillary went from her wealthy Chicago suburb and Wellesley College to work as an organizer in the slums of Chicago, she was there to Bear the White Woman's Burden. When Obama went from his wealthy Chicago suburb and Harvard to work as an organizer in the slums of Chicago, what color Man's Burden was HE Bearing? Yellow? Red? Want a third guess? (What the hell were they organizing anyway? When I was there in the late '60's the South Side of Chicago was plenty organized -- by the Daly Machine and the Blackstone Rangers crime syndicate. "Stone run it", it said on the walls.)

The leftists of San Francisco got a rude shock a number of years ago. They worked hard to elect former Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, because he was 'A Black Man'. They were furious and betrayed when they discovered a few months into his term in office that he was not 'A Black Man', whatever that meant to them, but a liberal Democrat. Just like the White mayors before and after him. And there is far less that is Black about Obama than about Willie Brown.

The White liberals supporting Obama are in for an even ruder shock when he has been in office for a few months if he is so foolish as to try to reach the promised accommodation with the Republicans.

How much are the liberals willing to concede for Obama's ounce of melanin? Will we concede the rescission of the 2003 tax breaks for the rich? Give up the timetable for withdrawal from Iraq? Forget about the re-imposition of CAFE standards on gas mileage of new cars? Do without subprime mortgage reforms that benefit the borrowers and not just the banks? Will we concede these things in return for having a president who looks credible dancing the boogaloo?

It is clear what we will get if Hillary is elected instead. She has vowed to fight the Republicans. Which means that we will have gridlock rather than Obama's spineless concessions. Pick your poison.

Contrary to the claims of Francine Hardaway and her accomplice the Queen of Spain, though Obama is not Black, Hillary really is a woman. Her election will mean that federal appointments will no longer be limited to wealthy Eastern Establishment white men. Wealthy Eastern Establishment white women will be appointed too.

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