Friday, February 07, 2014

Jack's 2014 Dead Pool

Jack's 2014 Dead Pool

1.  Mohammed Morsi

2.  Ayman al-Zawahiri

3.  Jay Leno

4.  OJ Simpson

5.  Mickey Rooney

6.  Morley Safer

7.  Chris Christie

8.  Pervez Musharraf

9.  Queen Elizabeth II

10.  Prince William


  1. I must say, a damned good list. Morsi is great, a few old wrecks that could go any time, some high risk people and a fatty who is under a lot of pressure. Nice pickin'.

  2. Jasmin7:52 AM

    What a disgusting little tradition this is Jack, I can only think of one breed of people who would desecrate the dead like, both you & Harvey unsurprisingly fall within that dirty tradition. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Seriously, a new low, even for you...

  3. Au contraire. It is smirkingly acknowledging that everyone dies. Making a huge, mustn't-mention-it pretense about death is to pretend away the inevitable. It is something that is going to happen to absolutely everyone. It is as an integral a part of life as birth. There is nothing tragic about death, only about dying too young. It used to be taboo to even mention, tuberculosis, mental illness, epilepsy, sex and pregnancy. It is still questionable to even mention homosexuality outside the most liberal Western cities. But all are real and commonplace parts of life. Pretending them away does not make them go away. It must makes us less prepared to deal with them when they happen.

  4. Au contraire. It is smirkingly acknowledging that everyone dies. Making a huge, mustn't-mention-it pretense about death is to pretend away the inevitable. It is something that is going to happen to absolutely everyone. It is as an integral a part of life as birth. There is nothing tragic about death, only about dying too young. It used to be taboo to even mention, tuberculosis, mental illness, epilepsy, sex and pregnancy. It is still questionable to even mention homosexuality outside the most liberal Western cities. But all are real and commonplace parts of life. Pretending them away does not make them go away. It must makes us less prepared to deal with them when they happen.
