Thursday, October 18, 2007

All the News That's Fit to Print

Today the big news is that Joe Torre has rejected the Yankees' offer of $5 million to manage the team in 2008. Google's profit was up 54%. Deborah Kerr died at 86. Judge Mukasey was questioned by a Senate committee during his confirmation hearings as Attorney-General. John McCain campaigned in South Carolina.

Did anything else happen? Oh yeah, 108 people were killed in Pakistan in bombings which were an attempt to assassinate Benazir Bhutto. As if that mattered.


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Deborah Kerr is dead??? Oh my G-d, I oved her. She was so great in "The King and I." And damn, I knew I should have sold my Yahoo stock and bought Google. And both the Yanks and Joe will be fine. In baseball, there's always next year. So tell me again, where is Pakistan? I don't even know a Pak. Is Pakistani food sort of like Indian food? And aren't there millions of them? The real question us partiots are asking is "We're any on the 108 Americans?"

  2. Their deaths will diminish the gross national product of Pakistan by $479. We're still awaiting word on whether that's each or collectively.
