Thursday, June 05, 2008

How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Jack Kessler

I was surprised by my ability to both generate to-do lists, and, with limitations, to plow through them. Seemingly simple list items frequently turned out to be dauntingly compound. Finding a place to store the Pachyderm took day after day of discouraging screwing around. Insurance. Beds. Taxes. And on and on. But eventually it worked. But why dwell on the past, the daunting, discouraging, delaying, frustrating-unto-frenzy-making, mother-f__king past?

Now all that is behind me while I sit in this admittedly beautiful resort with a great view, enduring yet another mother-freakin' delay. Apparently when I changed planes in Seattle yesterday, my luggage didn't have time to get on the second plane. At least they know where it is, so the tags are still attached.

I am beginning more and more to believe in karmic pollution or Hashem's irony. I cannot help but wonder if this delay is somehow related to my having lied and claimed that my elaborately wrapped bicycle was a wheelchair so as to avoid paying $50 extra for it. Cheaters never prosper.

I watched SpiderMan 3 last night because the DVD was in the room. It raised the question of whether comic books really translate as well into movies as Hollywood thinks they do. They don't. Of course, from Hollywood's point of view, this web-spinner was able to spin crap into gold just fine. And nobody forced me to watch it. Feh.

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