Thursday, December 09, 2010

Why I Love and Respect the New Yorker

I have just now read Hendrik Hertzberg's Comment in the November 29 "New Yorker", titled "Puppetry".

Hertzberg's screed is an attack on Glenn Beck for trashing liberal billionaire and full-time enemy of Israel, George Soros. That Beck is a buffoon does not make Soros not a villain. Nor does it make Hertzberg not Beck's mirror image.

I found it interesting that Hertzberg suggests that George Soros is NOT an enemy of Israel. And calls Glenn Beck's implication that he is, "lies told by innuendo". Which curiously is precisely what Hertzberg himself did in implying the reverse.

For this we have not Hertzberg's or Beck's groundless assertions, but Soros's own admission in action. Soros was recently revealed to be the main funder of J Street, an organization which claims to be friendly to Israel but opposes it in everything and sides with the Arabs in every case.

Soros and J Street both concealed and both explicitly lied in public about J Street being primarily funded by Soros. The reason for the lying was that both recognized that if Soros were seen as behind J Street, that J Street's pretense of friendliness toward Israel would be seen as laughable by anyone familiar with Soros.

Now that J Street is seen as a screen for Soros, it has become toast in the Jewish community and its staff are now looking for other jobs.

The depth of Soros's animosity can be seen in how easily his reputation could be diffused by a gift of a few million dollars, a pittance to a billionaire, to an Israeli university or hospital or orphanage. But he can't do it for the same reasons the King of Saudi Arabia can't -- because he is really and truly bigoted against Israel, including its universities, hospitals, and orphanages.

Which Hertzberg knows full well. Which makes him, like Beck, a liar by innuendo.

It is a curious feature of mirrors that they reverse left and right. Which is why, when Henrik Hertzberg looks in the mirror, he sees Glenn Beck.

1 comment:

  1. David Pelfrey8:48 PM

    Dear Jack: I just finished the quarter up and have not been following the G. Soros story at all; however, it appears I missed something important.

    Can you send me an email with the Soros background?

    By the way, did you receive the email on Nigeria?
