Sunday, July 24, 2011

Numbers Matter

[click four outward-pointing arrows for fullscreen]

With all due respect for the victims of both, 93 defenseless people have been murdered by a lone madman in Norway in the past few days. 1,600 defenseless people have been murdered by the regime in Syria in the past few days. Compare the coverage and world reaction to each.



  1. Jasmin10:32 AM

    You evil man. No better than the pro-Israel perpetrator of the crime.

  2. Jasmin1:47 AM

    You look so stupid. You had no problem with the coverage when you racistly accussed it of being an arabic attack. Then when the attacked was a pro-Israel facist, you complain about the coverage. You double standared foolish old man.

  3. Christie, you are just embarrassing yourself here. Do yourself a favor and shut up.
