Monday, December 17, 2012

The Israeli Army in Peacetime

[click on video for fullscreen]


  1. How did they rehearse it, too cool, I love it!

  2. Jack, It would appear that your blogging has gone from original writing to posting videos made by other people. I guess that is what happens to everyone online. Sad.

  3. Basher Assad1:38 PM

    Typical Jews and their propaganda.

  4. Harvey, see my current screed. Boring, but original.

    Basher Assad, you are exactly right. Typical Jews, particularly Israeli Jews, are young, beautiful, sexy and full of energy and joy. Israel has created a society in which young people dance in the streets. Arabs have created societies in which at worst young people strap on suicide vests, and at best rush into the streets to angrily protest bad regimes.

  5. Physical Training in the American Army consisted of boring stuff like running and calisthenics. I think I like the Israeli fitness program better.
