Monday, October 27, 2008


There was an old Hebrew named Jack
who for libido never did lack
they would wax his candle
and suck on his handle
while flat on his or her back.



  1. On checking beneath her large thigh,
    The old broad did let out a cry,
    For Jack had been blown
    To a place not yet known
    By his mind, his libido, and I.

    Sublimation causes literary fecundity.

  2. On checking beneath her large thigh,
    The old broad did let out a cry,
    For Jack had been blown
    To a place not yet known
    By his mind, his libido, and I.

    Sublimation causes literary fecundity.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Once again, Jack rises to the occasion!

    Bravo, Jack and congratulations on the new comment-maker. Maybe you should let her light your candle. Or perhaps she already has..........

    1 lusty libido
    1 lusty libido
    Jack the Happy

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    There once was a lad from El Cerrito
    Who said “Rosita, this idea is quite neat-o.
    Let’s combine salsa and chips
    With handcuffs and whips,
    I’ll eat your taco, you suck my burrito,”

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    When Rosita bit a chunk off Jack's hunk,
    She proclaimed that the stories weren't bunk,
    As she swallowed it down
    Rosita did drown
    'Neath a torrent of delicious junk.

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    And a hay nonny nonny no.... youse guys ought to get a room!

  7. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Our Rosita's taco did shiver
    At the thought of what Jack did deliver.
    As her legs they did spread
    She was ne'er filled with dread
    For her taco so fondly did quiver.
