Saturday, November 08, 2008

Learning How to Use HTML Tags - 2


  1. Anonymous12:11 AM

    This is the third time I've tried to enter this in this window, and I hope the last. Previously, you asked about the "a" HTML tag. It is called an "anchor tag", and is used to tell your browser which URL it is to link to. Here is an example:

    Blogspot . This will tell your browser to link to, and will appear as an underlined link in your browser.

  2. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Unfortunately this site left out my example and only shows the result! I'll phrase it another way. You start with a "<" followed by an "a", then a space followed by "href", followed by another space, then an equals sign, then a URL in quotes, immediately followed by ">". At this point you insert the name part of the URL, immediately followed by "<", then a "/", then "a", then ">". This tells your browser to link to the URL, and shows up as either an underlined link or as a blue colored link, as in my above comment.
