Friday, November 20, 2009

The Wealth of Nations

Below is the CIA's tabulation of gross domestic product per capita by country, ranked from highest to lowest.

There are some interesting conclusions and lessons to be drawn from it. First note that the very richest countries are tax dodges or oil sheikdoms. Leichtenstein produces nothing except for a false teeth factory as Harvey has noted. Luxembourg, Bermuda, Jersey, Luxembourg, Guernsey, the Cayman Islands, and Andorra are likewise tax dodges, not national economies. Their wealth is that of other countries concealed there.

Ireland and Switzerland are a middle case - small countries which flourish in part because they are tax dodges. The Swiss benefit from their honesty and orderliness, their good character. The Irish get along in spite of their lack of it.

Qatar, Norway, Kuwait, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain all derive their wealth exclusively or primarily from oil and all are small.

All the tax dodge countries and the oil kingdoms are even smaller. The first country on the list that has more people than a large American city, the wealthiest large country, is.... the United States.

Next come the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Japan, France, and Italy.

So for all the economic doom and gloom in our press, it is well to remember that the United States is still the wealthiest large country in the world. And compared to the others of the ten biggest countries in the world - China, India, Indonesia, Brasil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Russia, and Japan - we are wealthy indeed.

Of course these are all 2008 figures. American spending last year was all put on a First Bank of China credit card which we are not in a position to pay. So last year's wealth may not mean much in 2009.

Anent which, how crazy is it that we are deeply and dangerously in debt to China? Our per capita GDP last year was $47,500 and theirs was $6,000. Yet we are in debt to them? Their per capita GDP is one-eighth of ours, and less than 2/3 of the world average of $10,500 (if the world were a country it would rank 101st). How could this happen? Who was in charge? Oh. Him.

We manage our money as well as the Iraqis manage their oil fields.

Here are some lessons to draw from the ranking below:

1. Stay the hell out of Africa.
2. Avoid socialist dictatorships - North Korea versus South, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Anything
3. Avoid former socialist dictatorships too - Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia
4. Be Chinese, but not in China - Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan
5. Live near oil if possible - Kuwait, Brunei, UAE, Alberta, Norway - unless it conflicts with rule #1 - Nigeria
6. In general it is a poor idea to be brown, but a terrible idea to be black - Africa, Brasil, Haiti.
7. It is good to be Scandinavian - Sweden, Denmark, Iceland
8. If you live in a country with a high birth rate, leave - Gaza, West Bank, Afghanistan.
9. Move to the US if you can, to the EU if you can't. Canada is also good if you are able to persuade yourself that winter will never come.
10. If your country was rich last year, expect to be screwed this year - United States, Ireland, Iceland.

Tragically the poorest country on the list, Zimbabwe, was not long ago the richest, best run, safest country in Africa. The collapse of their economy and of the Zimbabwean shilling since the farm expropriations at the beginning of the century have made them the poorest people in the world. Unlike the people of Gaza who have largely brought their misfortunes on themselves and deserve them, the Shona have fallen into a crevasse in their history. The Palestinians are nasty , aggressive, and violent. The Shona are kind, polite, and pleasant and in no way deserve what has befallen them. It is hard to see how it could have been avoided and harder to see how it can be escaped.

1 Liechtenstein
2 Qatar
3 Luxembourg
4 Bermuda
5 Norway
6 Kuwait
7 Jersey
8 Singapore
9 Brunei
10 United States
11 Ireland
12 United Arab Emirates
13 Guernsey
14 Cayman Islands
15 Hong Kong
16 Andorra
17 Iceland
18 Switzerland
19 San Marino
20 Netherlands
21 Austria
22 Canada
23 British Virgin Islands
24 Australia
25 Sweden
26 Gibraltar
27 Belgium
28 Bahrain
29 Equatorial Guinea
30 Denmark
31 Finland
32 United Kingdom
33 Germany
34 Falkland Islands
35 Isle of Man
36 Spain
37 Japan
38 European Union
39 France
40 Greece
41 Italy
42 Taiwan
43 Faroe Islands
44 Bahamas,
45 Macau
46 Monaco
47 Slovenia
48 Israel
49 New Zealand
50 Korea, South
51 Czech Republic
52 Malta
53 Trinidad and Tobago
54 Portugal
55 Slovakia
56 Aruba
57 Estonia
58 Cyprus
59 Seychelles
60 Saudi Arabia
61 Oman
62 Greenland
63 Hungary
64 Antigua and Barbuda
65 Saint Kitts and Nevis
66 Barbados
67 Croatia
68 French Polynesia
69 Lithuania
70 Puerto Rico
71 Poland
72 Latvia
73 Russia
74 Netherlands Antilles
75 Malaysia
76 New Caledonia
77 Chile
78 Virgin Islands
79 Mexico
80 Argentina
81 Gabon
82 Libya
83 Botswana
84 Venezuela
85 Grenada
86 Bulgaria
87 Iran
88 Northern Mariana Islands $12,500
89 Uruguay
90 Romania
91 Mauritius
92 Turkey
93 Belarus
94 Panama
95 Costa Rica
96 Kazakhstan
97 Turks and Caicos Islands $11,500
98 Lebanon
99 Saint Lucia
100 Serbia
101 World
102 Brazil
103 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $10,200
104 Montenegro
105 South Africa
106 Dominica
107 Azerbaijan
108 Cuba
109 Colombia
110 Cook Islands
111 Macedonia
112 Angola
113 Suriname
114 Anguilla
115 Jamaica
116 Peru
117 Belize
118 Thailand
119 Dominican Republic
120 Palau
121 American Samoa
122 Tunisia
123 Ecuador
124 Ukraine
125 Saint Pierre and Miquelon $7,000
126 Algeria
127 Bosnia-Herzegovina
128 Turkmenistan
129 Namibia
130 Armenia
131 El Salvador
132 Albania
133 China
134 Egypt
135 Niue
136 Guatemala
137 Kiribati
138 Bhutan
139 Jordan
140 Nauru
141 Mayotte
142 Georgia
143 Samoa
144 Vanuatu
145 Tonga
146 Syria
147 Bolivia
148 Morocco
149 Maldives
150 Sri Lanka
151 Swaziland
152 Honduras
153 Paraguay
154 Congo, Republic of the $3,900
155 Indonesia
156 Guyana
157 Cape Verde
158 Wallis and Futuna
159 Fiji
160 Montserrat
161 Philippines
162 Iraq
163 Mongolia
164 Gaza Strip
165 Nicaragua
166 West Bank
167 India
168 Vietnam
169 Solomon Islands
170 Djibouti
171 Uzbekistan
172 Moldova
173 Pakistan
174 Western Sahara
175 Yemen
176 Saint Helena
177 Marshall Islands
178 Cameroon
179 Kosovo
180 Timor-Leste
181 Papua-New Guinea
182 Nigeria
183 Micronesia, Federated States $2,200
184 Kyrgyzstan
185 Sudan
186 Laos
187 Mauritania
188 Cambodia
189 Korea, North
190 Tajikistan
191 Cote d'Ivoire
192 Chad
193 Kenya
194 Lesotho
195 Tuvalu
196 Senegal
197 Bangladesh
198 Ghana
199 Benin
200 Zambia
201 Tanzania
202 Gambia, The
203 Haiti
204 Uganda
205 Sao Tome and Principe $1,300
206 Burma
207 Burkina Faso
208 Guinea
209 Mali
210 Nepal
211 Comoros
212 Madagascar
213 Tokelau
214 Ethiopia
215 Mozambique
216 Togo
217 Sierra Leone
218 Rwanda
219 Afghanistan
220 Malawi
221 Central African Republic $700
222 Niger
223 Eritrea
224 Guinea-Bissau
225 Somalia
226 Liberia
227 Burundi
228 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $300
229 Zimbabwe


  1. Jasmin9:39 AM

    Hello Jack. I just come across this blog. I'd just like to say that I think you are a disgusting horrible racist. I hope you suffer greatly and that the last chapter of your pathetic little life is very painful, peace.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Allahu Akbar

  3. Christy1:40 PM

    I find it amusing that the least humourous posters on this blog are those anti-semetic bastards who post as anonymous. I love you Jack. I think you're great.

  4. Christy1:41 PM

    Lol. To be honest I think you're a wanker

    I mean to post that last comment as 'Nick Danger', it loses its ironic quality which I made the accident...

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Aaaah Jasmin,

    Peace indeed...where's the kindness, love and compassion that go with that "peace"?

    Peace on you too,

  6. Sorry, I have bad news for Jasmin. My disgusting horrible little life has been a triumph since I retired in 2004. I am in good health, have a government pension, a lovely house in spite of it being occasionally over-run by smart alec Irish kids, travel frequently - to Shanghai, Latvia, and Paris this year, have spent four of the past six summers in Canada, have found my appreciation for classical music to have swelled to a profound visceral pleasure now that I have electrostatic speakers, have lived a year in Montmartre, have bicycled the Rockies from Santa Fe to Wyoming, bicycled from San Francisco to Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean, have written a five act faux Shakespearean play, write a blog more or less regularly, have lots of good friends, and am working, albeit slowly, on a book which will be part of my legacy. I also have a project to create Rosetta stones in rock faces all over the west, and my portfolio is recovering nicely.

    They say living well is the best revenge. From which it follows that I am doing fine, and that Jasmin is screwed - as she doubtless deserves to be.

    By the way Jasmin, what part of my characterizing Palestinians as nasty, aggressive and violent was your hope that my life would be full of suffering supposed to dissuade me of?

    I am reminded of the editor of an Armenian newpaper in Turkey who accused Muslims of being violent. In response the Muslims murdered him - proving that they are not only violent but also stupid.

  7. Jasmin9:19 AM

    I am not trying to dissuade you from anything Jack. You have your opinions, I have mine. Your opinions are disgusting, mine are just. I see those "nasty" Palestinians are close to securing a deal for that soldier Shalit. I hope the Palestinians are released, Shalit has his head cut off and paraded around Gaza and those Palestinians fire more rockets at Israel. That may seem extreme to your petty mind Jack, but it is more than just considering the 1,000's murdered in Israeli War Crimes every year. How can you justify the amount of murder the IDF causes, how? Israel is a disgusting little place, I hope the future brings you misery for supporting it.

  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    LOL, this Jasmin character is the breath of fresh air this dreary old blog needed.

  9. I think Jasmin is a good example of what I mean. She wants to see Gilad Shalit's head cut off and wants rockets shot at Israeli towns. What else can one call someone who wants things like that but "nasty, aggressive, and violent"?

    And though Jasmin's mind, like that of most Arabs, is oblivious to cause-and-effect, I would point out to her that the IDF never harms anybody until AFTER Palestinian attacks on Israelis. But taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions is not something Palestinians are capable of doing.

    When there is a Palestinian attack and an Israeli reprisal for it, Palestinians like Jasmin can never ever see the connection.

    Why is that Jasmin?

  10. Jasmin12:01 PM

    Listen you dirty fat little disgusting man, I've had friends and family butchered by IDF tyrants, none whoever had done anything - never raised a gun so for you to sit on perched on your fat chair pontificating about cause and effect makes me fucking sick. Who the fuck do you think you are you sick sick man? Israeli reprisal??? Fucking reprisal, thankfully I had the means to leave Gaza as that place is destroyed in everyway thanks to such reprisal. Shalit deserves to die as does any Israeli who joins forces supporting an illegal state whose purpose is to persecute and oppress the indigenious people. Bye Jack.

  11. Jasmin12:04 PM

    I feel sorrow for you, you will live out your life writting a blog, supporting an illegal cause. You must have a pityful existence. Bye,

  12. Actually Jasmin you and I both know that you are almost certainly lying. Palestinians need to demonize Israel and Israelis to explain the contradiction between your Koran-dictated need for superiority and arrogance and your inferiority in fact.

    If by any remote chance you actually have had relatives killed or injured by IDF operations, you might look to the Hamas or PLO whose attacks provoked the reprisal.

    Which brings us back to why Jasmin, Muslims, and the left are unable to grasp the notion of cause and effect? Or is accepting responsibility for the consequences of your actions too much like being an adult?

  13. Illegality Jasmin? From a people who glorify terrorism? Are you really in any position to complain about anyone else's illegality?
