Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Huckabee - McCain

Andrew Jackson was 'Old Hickory'. Zachary Taylor was 'Tippecanoe'. Abraham Lincoln was 'Honest Abe'. The Republican candidates are reminiscent of the saying of foxhole chaplains. They are "Praise the Lord" and "Pass the Ammunition".

I haven't got anything for the Democrats yet. Provisionally they are 'Phoney' and 'Baloney'.

Romney is on the tube now. He is such a mediocre nothing that he is not worth the powder to blow him up. Maybe putting a pillow shaped like one of those stupid styrofoam catcher's mitts over his face would be best.


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The Dems have got great nicknames. How about "Bill's Bitch" or the Shrew. Doonesbury has called Obama "the black Kennedy" because he is charismatic and speaks well forgetting, of course, that Kennedy did very little in office except get us into the Viet Nam War. Actually when he has his big smile on he is sort of a dark Alfred E. Newman.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    JFK did a few other things. He resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis without getting us all blown up, he got the Apollo program under way, he began detente with his American University speech in 1963, and he proposed legislation that became the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Unfortunately, that law cannot prevent comments like "Bill's Bitch" and "dark Alfred E. Newman."

  3. The law can't prevent remarks like "racist pig" either. Only ordinary civility can do that.

  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I love it when the moral high-road is taken by someone calling themselves anonymous.
